DAF Kollektiv 2019 - 2022
From 2019 - 2022 I took part in the collective group processes of DAF (Dynamisch akustische Forschung). 

This included a 24-hour sound performance with the DAF collective in the Kunsthalle Baden-Baden of which you can see photos below with works by Alexandru Salariu, a magnetic field microphone (self-made by me), a Euroracksoundsession, and a work by Jan Werner.

Part of this time was also a collective work “Sonic Sync” which was performed once at Lenbachhaus in Munich and then later at HKW (Haus der Kulturen der Welt) in Berlin with the support of the Musikfond.

For more Information on things that were going on visit:
-> https://daf.adbk-nuernberg.de/

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